
As the state and federal management of the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to evolve, the health and safety of all children, families and our staff at Central Union Church Preschool remains a top priority. This page provides information regarding COVID-19 and procedures and measures that CUPS is doing daily to ensure the health and safety for all. In this ever-changing world, we are continually updating our processes and protocols in accordance with the most current information from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.

How does COVID-19 spread

The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly spread by respiratory droplets. When someone infected with COVID-19 coughs or sneezes, respiratory droplets that contain the virus are expelled and can be breathed in by someone nearby. Although the virus cannot enter the body through the skin, the respiratory droplets carrying the virus can get into your airways or mucous membranes of your eyes, nose, or mouth to infect you. The virus can also be spread if you touch a surface contaminated with virus and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth, although this is not the primary way the virus spreads.

Symptoms of COVID-19

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.  The CDC has provided information regarding symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

This list does not include all possible symptoms.

Social Distancing Strategies

  • Masking for Central Union Church Preschool campus is optional, however, depending on the health dynamic occurring within the program and/or classroom cohort, masking may be required and enforced.
  • Class sizes operate under ratio requirements provided by the Department of Human Services (DHS), in separated spaces as determined permissible by state and health guidelines, in consistent groupings with as much consistent staffing as possible.
  • CUPS program will modify should group size guidelines change and require a reduced ratio to smaller groups as instructed by the state & DHS.
  • Children will remain in stable groups (referred to as “cohort bubble”) to the best extent possible that allows for adequate child: staff ratio.
  • Nap cots will be spaced out as much as possible (ideally 6 feet apart and placed head to toe) in order to further reduce the potential for viral spread.

Healthy Hand Hygiene

  • All children, staff, and volunteers will engage in hand hygiene at the following times:
    1. Arrival to the facility and after breaks
    2. Before and after preparing food or drinks
    3. Before and after eating or handling food, or feeding children
    4. Before and after administering first aid/attending to injuries
    5. Before and after diapering
    6. After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom
    7. After coming in contact with bodily fluid
    8. After playing outdoors or in sand
    9. After handling garbage
    10. As needed and as frequently as possible; implementing hourly hand washing/sanitization routines
  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can be used if soap and water are not readily available
  • Hand sanitizing dispenser are available at the entry points and various locations
  • Children are to be supervised when they use hand sanitizer
  • Children will be assisted with handwashing to ensure proper and effectiveness

Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

  • Auto-line (curb side drop off) will have a specific designated drop off location
  • Curb side drop off is highly encouraged for children capable and comfortable with this process to minimize the adults coming onto campus
  • Hand sanitization stations are set up at the entry points or adults and children to utilize
  • Children will wash hands immediately with soap and water upon entering the classroom
  • Parents, guardians, and designated pick -up individuals will have specific instruction and/or locations of pick-up procedures provided by the Preschool office and classroom teachers.

Screening Upon Arrival

  • A daily health check will be taken upon arrival by a faculty or staff member.
  • Staff may take the temperature of your child(ren) and ask the designated drop -off individual questions regarding the health of your child.
  • If it is determined that the child is not in good health, faculty or staff will ask for child to refrain from attending school.
  • Individuals with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, or showing symptoms of illness such as, shortness of breath or cough will not be allowed to enter campus.

Food Preparation and Meal Services

  • All surfaces will be disinfected before meal preparation and feedings using CDC or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved products.
  • Caregivers will plate each child’s meal to serve it so that multiple children are not using the same serving utensils.
  • All individuals must wash hands with soap and water prior to food preparation and after assisting children eating; use of gloves is required if serving or handling food items.
  • Caregivers will ensure children wash hands prior to and immediately after eating.

Sanitization Services

  • Using a specially mixed disinfectant solution, caregivers conduct hourly (or more often if necessary) vigorous cleaning and disinfecting of all highly touch surfaces and toys every day
  • Janitorial services occur daily during evening times when program is closed to ensure additional cleaning and disinfection of highly touched surfaces
  • Classroom and office spaces are sanitized with EPA approved methods and equipment